
I find the history of the Chihuahuas so interesting. Hope you enjoy 😊

Origin and History of the chihuahuas !

While the Chihuahua's history remains shrouded in lore and legend, the breed has two claims to fame: He is the oldest breed on the American continent, and he is also the smallest. Long associated with Mexico and certainly refined there, it is believed that the breed traces back to dogs who came to the country with Spanish travelers who had dwarfed dogs from China; these dogs were bred to the native hairless breeds to form the Chihuahua. Still others believe that he is a miniaturized native pariah dog. Regardless, he gained notoriety and popularity in Mexico City around 1895 and soon found his way into Texas. It didn't take long for American fanciers to further refine the Chihuahua and make him the most popular toy breed in the country. It was in the United States that the longhaired variety was established by crossing Chihuahuas with Papillons, Pomeranians, and other coated toys. Today, the Chihuahua still enjoys a top place among the world's most popular dogs.

Treasa Chandler
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