
Whelping Room

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This is our Whelping/Office room and would like to share it with you. We have used a few different methods for Whelping and have found this portable baby crib to be the absolute best . Comfort is the outmost important thing when it comes to all our girls. Along with our girls being comfortable I like to be comfortable as well , so we have a bed for when I am up all night with dog in labor 😁

Puppy Room

Welcome to our puppy room ! Mainly this room is just used to store all my puppy and dog stuff. We have used it for one litter of puppies . Usually we just keep them in the living room after they move out of my bedroom. At 2 to 3 weeks of age is when we move them as they are no longer needing a heating pad and Are moving around a lot. 

Dog Room

This is part of our living space that we have converted to a dog room. The Iris pens are used for our male dogs and younger females when we are not home . We have 3 set up. 
Treasa Chandler
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